Drunk Robots Development News
From December to the end of January, the game saw the release of several updates, including the first version of gang wars, $METAL Staking, and new equipment containers. The development team is also exploring the possibility of moving to the Polygon network.
Drunk Races
In terms of the drunk races, they served as a boost in the beginning, but due to negative impact, the rewards were later reduced. The focus will now shift to the PvP mode and improvements will be made in the form of a Free-To-Play robot, equipment upgrades, abilities during battles, character roles, leveling, gangs and gang wars, and changes in the farming speed system.
PvP Mode
Regarding the Free-To-Play robot, there were concerns it may disrupt the economy, but the development team has assured players that it will not. The robot will allow new players to experience the game before making a purchase. As for the equipment upgrades, players can expect to upgrade their equipment from common to legendary. Abilities during battles will also be improved and presented as NFT gaming cards with varying rarity levels. Character roles will be divided into damagers, tanks, and support, making it easier for players to choose the right robot for them. Leveling will allow players to increase their robot's level and parameters.
Gangs and gang wars
Gangs and gang wars are being reevaluated, and the number of participants in one gang may be reduced for more competition among existing players.
The farming speed system will be replaced with a virtual in-game currency that will serve for various improvements and actions. $METAL will still be earned for fights, and will play an important role in determining the top of the division.
All these changes are currently undergoing several stages of testing and debugging, and players can expect further updates to come to Drunk Robots.
Source: drunk-robots.medium.com
analyst opinion

Kuba Lohnický
Drunk Races
In terms of the drunk races, they served as a boost in the beginning, but due to negative impact, the rewards were later reduced. The focus will now shift to the PvP mode and improvements will be made in the form of a Free-To-Play robot, equipment upgrades, abilities during battles, character roles, leveling, gangs and gang wars, and changes in the farming speed system.
PvP Mode
Regarding the Free-To-Play robot, there were concerns it may disrupt the economy, but the development team has assured players that it will not. The robot will allow new players to experience the game before making a purchase. As for the equipment upgrades, players can expect to upgrade their equipment from common to legendary. Abilities during battles will also be improved and presented as NFT gaming cards with varying rarity levels. Character roles will be divided into damagers, tanks, and support, making it easier for players to choose the right robot for them. Leveling will allow players to increase their robot's level and parameters.
Gangs and gang wars
Gangs and gang wars are being reevaluated, and the number of participants in one gang may be reduced for more competition among existing players.
The farming speed system will be replaced with a virtual in-game currency that will serve for various improvements and actions. $METAL will still be earned for fights, and will play an important role in determining the top of the division.
All these changes are currently undergoing several stages of testing and debugging, and players can expect further updates to come to Drunk Robots.
Source: drunk-robots.medium.com
