Large Update of The Parallel Metaverse
The first game in The Parallel metaverse called Ascension has now launched,and much more.
As already mentioned in theanalysis, The Parallel game is inspired by last year’s hugely successful SquidGame TV show. The developers have plans to add many other games to thismetaverse. Ascension is the first game to be released on The Parallel after monthsof preparation, and is inspired by the game "Red Light, Green Light"from the afore mentioned show. The game offers PvP for one player or a group of3-10 players. There is both a Play-To-Earn mode, which requires an initialinvestment, and a Free-To-Play mode for players who just want to play withoutthe possibility of earning.
Principles of the Ascension game:
The game has simple rules. Youhave to get from one part of the game board to another within the time limit.But there is a catch. At the end of the playing area is the giant Hugo. If hisface is glowing red, players must not move, or he will kill them. In addition,there are various obstacles on the track and two snipers, who will freeze theplayer for some time with a successful hit. Everyone who reaches the end isconsidered a winner. Token rewards are then provided for the first threeplayers to complete the track.
Other news:
The Paragon collection contains 46avatars for purchase, with more coming. A pirate with a wooden leg or Skúz Skúz,who looks like a skeleton, are among the newest additions. Moreover, there are specialavatars available for players inspired by famous persons such as Justin Bieberor game protagonists such as Super Mario
The new Multi fusion feature willallow players to upgrade runes and thereby increase their avatar’s power.
Guild System:
After joining the guild system,players can lend their NFT avatar to another player who will then be able touse that avatar. This is a Play-To-Earn element. Lending is done for a fee andthus represents passive income. If the player is not playing, he can lend hisavatar to someone who wants to play.
The Hydra System:
This is a UI copyright protectionsystem. The Hydra system is designed to protect Para-Art artists creating theirown avatars from copying their art. Hydra works on an algorithm that comparesother avatars designs and thus does not allow copies made by other artists.
New partnerships:
The Parallel has partnered withMystic Treasure. The goal of this partnership is to bring players a bettergaming experience.
Another partner is the blockchaincentre ChainPlay.GG. More information about this partnership will be releasedlater.
Cooperation was also concludedwith the gaming guild Mad Monkey, which made a series of livestreams for itscommunity.
The company Oxalus, dealing withNFT trading and their analysis, became a strategic partner.
Another strategic partnership iswith Fizen, DeFi and GameFi Web3 wallet application owner.
The latest partnership is with theGameAZ portal, providing information about Play-To-Earn games.
Monetization news:
At the end of June, $PRL tokenswere unblocked from IDO after 6 months. Players who have taken the privatetoken purchase advantage can claim 1.25% of the total tokens each week, and therest can be claimed within 18 months.
Minor fixes:
- Fixed frozen display whenloading.
- Fixed login function and websiteQR code.
- Added logout function.
- Fixed energy refill panel UI.
- Added crash and self-recoveryfeature.
- Improved game performance.
- Changed ranking calculation inMulti-mode.
Marketplace web updated:
- Cooler design.
- Clearer details.
- More desire to join.
The developers also improved the game'sgraphics, user UX/UI and motion sensor.
analyst opinion
The developers are clearly trying to bring a high-quality experience tothe community, and they care for the metaverse with love. By adding Ascension,they will make many fans of the Squid Game show happy, even though they have changedthe game to some extent. In my opinion, this is good, as it shows theircreativity and passion. New avatars will please any player who doesn't want tolook at the same character over again. The Hydra protection system will helpartists protect their work from being copied. New partnerships are always asign that the project is healthy and has a future. The developers are doing a greatjob in this regard. The game is well on its way to success, and I look forwardto other games that will be created within the same metaverse.

Jakub Odvářka
The first game in The Parallel metaverse called Ascension has now launched,and much more.
As already mentioned in theanalysis, The Parallel game is inspired by last year’s hugely successful SquidGame TV show. The developers have plans to add many other games to thismetaverse. Ascension is the first game to be released on The Parallel after monthsof preparation, and is inspired by the game "Red Light, Green Light"from the afore mentioned show. The game offers PvP for one player or a group of3-10 players. There is both a Play-To-Earn mode, which requires an initialinvestment, and a Free-To-Play mode for players who just want to play withoutthe possibility of earning.
Principles of the Ascension game:
The game has simple rules. Youhave to get from one part of the game board to another within the time limit.But there is a catch. At the end of the playing area is the giant Hugo. If hisface is glowing red, players must not move, or he will kill them. In addition,there are various obstacles on the track and two snipers, who will freeze theplayer for some time with a successful hit. Everyone who reaches the end isconsidered a winner. Token rewards are then provided for the first threeplayers to complete the track.
Other news:
The Paragon collection contains 46avatars for purchase, with more coming. A pirate with a wooden leg or Skúz Skúz,who looks like a skeleton, are among the newest additions. Moreover, there are specialavatars available for players inspired by famous persons such as Justin Bieberor game protagonists such as Super Mario
The new Multi fusion feature willallow players to upgrade runes and thereby increase their avatar’s power.
Guild System:
After joining the guild system,players can lend their NFT avatar to another player who will then be able touse that avatar. This is a Play-To-Earn element. Lending is done for a fee andthus represents passive income. If the player is not playing, he can lend hisavatar to someone who wants to play.
The Hydra System:
This is a UI copyright protectionsystem. The Hydra system is designed to protect Para-Art artists creating theirown avatars from copying their art. Hydra works on an algorithm that comparesother avatars designs and thus does not allow copies made by other artists.
New partnerships:
The Parallel has partnered withMystic Treasure. The goal of this partnership is to bring players a bettergaming experience.
Another partner is the blockchaincentre ChainPlay.GG. More information about this partnership will be releasedlater.
Cooperation was also concludedwith the gaming guild Mad Monkey, which made a series of livestreams for itscommunity.
The company Oxalus, dealing withNFT trading and their analysis, became a strategic partner.
Another strategic partnership iswith Fizen, DeFi and GameFi Web3 wallet application owner.
The latest partnership is with theGameAZ portal, providing information about Play-To-Earn games.
Monetization news:
At the end of June, $PRL tokenswere unblocked from IDO after 6 months. Players who have taken the privatetoken purchase advantage can claim 1.25% of the total tokens each week, and therest can be claimed within 18 months.
Minor fixes:
- Fixed frozen display whenloading.
- Fixed login function and websiteQR code.
- Added logout function.
- Fixed energy refill panel UI.
- Added crash and self-recoveryfeature.
- Improved game performance.
- Changed ranking calculation inMulti-mode.
Marketplace web updated:
- Cooler design.
- Clearer details.
- More desire to join.
The developers also improved the game'sgraphics, user UX/UI and motion sensor.
